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Tight shoes and osteoarticular deformities are the most common causes of foot pain. Fortunately, most disorders are treatable.
Pain in the toes causes discomfort and interferes with the rhythm of our life. This discomfort can be caused by a variety of conditions that depend on age and habits.
The human foot is divided into forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot. When we refer to the toes, we are talking about the forefoot region formed by the 5 metatarsals and 14 phalanges, whose function is to give movement and mobility while walking.
The toes include the thumb, forefinger, middle, ring and little fingers. thumb, also called thumb hey halluxOne of the most affected.
Pain at this stage can be of 3 origins:
Improper footwear use and bone deformities are the main causes of toe pain. However, there are situations in which the discomfort persists and worsens over time. Evaluation by an orthopedic doctor is essential for better treatment and prognosis.
The most common causes of toe pain are insufficient and tight shoes. They favor bone deformities and swelling of the foot joints.
The intensity of the pain usually increases with prolonged use of this type of shoe. In addition, it is accompanied by discomfort in the heels.
other thing, Long heels shorten the tendon and compress the bones of the foot, According to studies. In this sense, the person will experience discomfort in the heels, soles and fingers.
In most cases, this condition subsides with rest and changing to suitable footwear. Special attention should be paid to children, as pain is a sign that warns of the need to change shoes.
High-intensity trauma and the fall of heavy objects on the foot are often the causes of fractures at this stage. In most cases, Finger pain, swelling and tenderness, In addition, the nails may turn purple due to stagnation of blood in the area.
Fractures in the big toe are usually more severe and acute, leaving a person unable to walk. Similarly, according to research, the toes may also experience stress fractures as a result of intense, unusual and repeated physical activity.
In general, resting for several weeks along with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs can relieve discomfort. If you suspect a broken foot, don’t hesitate to seek professional care as soon as possible.
a bun is a bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe, Studies estimate that 90% of cases occur in women, with pain most often in the plantar region of the first toe. Similarly, there is usually redness and swelling on the skin over the bunion.
Traditional treatments include changing shoes, cushioning pads, use of cold media, and use of anti-inflammatory drugs. If pain persists and interferes with daily activities, surgical resolution may be necessary.
A callus or callus is related to a disease called hyperkeratosis, Just like that Thickening of the skin due to accumulation of dead cells rich in keratin, These injuries are caused by damage to the foot or the use of inappropriate footwear.
Corns are small and very painful sores that are usually located at the joints of the toes. On the other hand, calluses are wider, yellowish in color and are located more often on the sole.
This condition increases the risk of serious infection.
The treatment of choice are keratolytic drugs that have a calcicidal action, such as salicylic acid and benzoic acid. Similarly, It is recommended to immerse the feet in warm water to facilitate the action of the drug, Calluses usually go away after 1 to 2 weeks of treatment.
Arthritis is inflammation of one or more joints, the most common form of which is rheumatoid. For its part, osteoarthritis is a degeneration of joint cartilage that typically occurs progressively in older adults. Both these conditions can be responsible for joint pain in the toes.
Pain in arthritis is aggravated by physical activity and subsides with rest, whereas in osteoarthritis the discomfort occurs even at rest. In case of arthritis in the feet, special orthopedic shoes should be used, as suggested by experts in the field.
Ingrown toenail or onychocryptosis is a condition characterized by penetration of the edges of the nail plate into the adjacent skin, It presents with pain, redness, and swelling in the affected toe, which is common in the big toe.
Research estimates there are 10,000 new cases that require treatment each year in the United Kingdom and approximately 20 cases per 100,000 residents who attend primary care for the condition. Onychocryptosis is more common in men in the second and third decades of life.,
Treatment in mild forms is conservative and includes washing with warm water, topical and oral antiseptics. In severe forms, surgical solution may be necessary. The most common complication is skin infection.
This is a deformity that occurs in the toes with the exception of the thumb. There is hyperextension of the metatarsophalangeal joint with flexion of the proximal and distal interphalangeal joint, as defined by the studies. Fingers look like claws or like parrots.
In general, this condition is a common cause of pain and redness of the toes. The discomfort usually increases when performing daily activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or playing sports. Treatment includes orthopedic reduction, plantar orthosis, and surgical correction.
It is a type of inflammatory arthritis characterized by the precipitation and accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. Gout has an inclination to the lower limbs, especially for the first toeproducing an acute episode known as gout,
Research confirms that people with podagra often experience sudden pain, swelling, and redness at night. The discomfort is usually so severe that it becomes impossible to walk and limits daily activities.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve pain, while other medications, such as allopurinol and colchicine, prevent recurring episodes by lowering uric acid levels. Too, It is important to maintain a healthy diet and limit alcohol consumption to a minimum.
This is a painful neuropathy of the foot due to compression of the plantar nerve., according to the study, is located between the third and fourth fingers. In general, this causes pain, tingling, and numbness in the toes.
People complain of having stones in their shoes or feeling uneasy and persistent.
Tight shoes and high heels, sports climbing and skiing, as well as foot deformities, are risk factors for this disease. Medical management is based on the use of orthopedic insoles and padsIn addition to surgical procedures in advanced cases.
This is an inflammatory condition of the tissue surrounding the nails as a result of an infectious process. Also, this situation Characterized by redness, warmth, and pain in the toes, most common germs are staphylococcus aureus You streptococcus pyogenes,
The infection can spread to the rest of the pulpos and cause whitishness, as well as deep tenosynovitis. Treatment aims to eliminate harmful microorganisms through the use of antibiotics as well as drainage of pus, if any.
It is a peripheral vascular malformation in which There is an exaggerated convective response to low temperature or stress, It presents with a sudden and gradual change in skin color (yellowing, cyanosis, and redness) of the hands, feet, nose, and ears. Studies estimate an incidence of 20 to 30% in young women.
Similarly, people often complain of tingling, swelling and pain in their fingers and toes. Treatment aims to reduce the number of episodes and tissue damage.
There are a wide variety of causes of toe pain. In most cases, this is the result of simple problems, such as tight shoes or a direct hit.
Even then, This symptom may warn of serious joint, neurological and vascular disorders. Which needs to be addressed at the earliest. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to seek professional attention.
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