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Interlocking Nail has been used for the treatment of long bone fractures of the body. IM nails are used for the different types of fractures like Fibula Fracture, Tibia Fracture, and femur fracture, etc.
Fibula Fracture: A fibula fracture can happen when there is an injury to the smaller of the two bones of the lower leg (the segment between the knee and ankle), the fibula. The bone just below the knee joint is the fibular bones. The fibula bone does little support for the weight of the body.
There are several different types of injury to the fibula bones:
Tibia Fracture: The tibia fracture is also known as shinbonefractures. Tibia fracture happens in the long bone of the body. This fracture occurs below the knee and above the ankle. The lower leg is made of two bones fibula and tibia. The tibia is a larger bone among these two bones. Tibia Fracture can happen due toan accident of motor vehicles, car accidents, etc.
Types of Tibial Shaft Fractures
Tibia fractures can be classified as depending on:
Femur Fracture: The femur is the strongest and longest bone in the upper part of the leg. It is also known as thigh bone. The femur bone is strong, so to break it significantly requires high impact. It may break due to car crashes or high impact accidents.
Treatment Guidelines:For the treatment of the above explain fracture sometimes surgery requires depending on the types of the fracture. In the surgical procedure,the surgeon needs orthopedic implants and an instrument to treat the fracture. Siora Surgicals has a wide range of interlocking Nails and other trauma implants.
About Company: Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. Is one of the Leading orthopedic implants and instruments manufacturing company in India. Also, We have Neutral Code from Licensing authorities for operations of OEM manufacturing. Our Corporate Office is in Delhi and the manufacturing unit is in Sonipat Rai Industries. We at Siora Surgicals, have a different range of trauma implant which is used during the trauma surgery.
Address – WZ- 1, 2nd Floor, Phool Bagh,
Ram Pura, New Delhi, 110035 INDIA
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