Weak Bones| Stock Up on These 5 Healthy Foods For Stronger Bones

2022-08-08 10:07:27 By : Ms. Tracy Lee

Bones are made up of connective tissue reinforced with calcium and specialized bone cells. They provide variety of functions in the body, including anchoring muscles, protecting organs, and creating structure. New bone is always being formed and old bone is constantly being broken down in human body. “Your bone mass increases when you’re young because your body produces new bone more quickly than it degrades existing bone. Around age 30, the majority of people reach their peak bone mass. Osteoporosis (meaning “porous bone”) is the most common form of bone disease. It involves low bone mass and structural loss of bone tissue” Said by Dr. Preet Pal Thakur Co-founder of Glamyo health. You should be able to get all the nutrients you need for healthy bones by eating a balanced diet. Here are the following foods which helps in increasing bone strength.

Green leafy vegetables: The majority of the vitamins and minerals that support bone health can be found in green leafy vegetables. They provide good calcium, magnesium, and potassium content. They also contain additional minerals like vitamin K and folate that are crucial for bone health. Leafy green veggies also have alkalizing properties, Along with regular weight-bearing exercise and other lifestyle changes, they aid in pH balancing, which is essential for maintaining bone density.

Dairy products: Foods made from milk are referred to as dairy products. They consist of milk itself, cheese, and yoghurt. Calcium, which is vital for strong bones, may be found in dairy products in good amounts. They also include vitamins D and phosphorous, two minerals that assist bone health. Dairy products can be incorporated into your diet in a variety of ways. You can consume milk, cheese, and yoghurt. Recipes using dairy ingredients include milkshakes, yoghurt smoothies, and cheese pasta meals. Both salads and other dishes can be topped with dairy. These nutrients can be obtained from alternative sources, such as almond milk, by lactose intolerant people.

Fish: Omega-3 fatty acids and protein are abundant in fish. It is an excellent source of vitamin D, which is crucial for strong bones. Strong bones require calcium absorption, which vitamin D aids with. Sardines are microscopic fish bones that are an excellent source of calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin D, all of which help to increase bone density. salmon Salmon and other fatty fish have bone-building capabilities because they are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, they have vitamin D, which facilitates calcium absorption.

Nuts and Seeds: Protein, magnesium, and zinc are all abundant in nuts and seeds. They also include calcium and vitamin E, both of which are essential for bone health. Cashews contain calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and folate, making them a good source of minerals that contribute to bone health. Almonds are a very rich source of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that works wonders for your skin, hair, nails, and immune system.

Orange: Collagen formation is one of the many reasons why our body needs vitamin C. The connective tissues of the body, which include bones, are made of a material called collagen. On its own, a medium orange has about 50 milligrams of calcium, but you can also buy orange juice that has been calcium-fortified. Calcium citrate, which has a faster absorption rate than calcium carbonate, is usually used to fortify orange juice.

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Published Date: July 9, 2022 6:51 PM IST

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