August 23's Wordle weaves a puzzle filled with uncommon letters and vowels, but we've got everything you need to solve it in no time!
Like many days before it, August 23 brings both a new day and a new Wordle. By now, we've gone through 430 of these language challenges, each one featuring a new 5-letter word. Some have obviously been easier than others, but Wordle certainly shows how difficult free recall can be! Thankfully, with each new letter, we get a bit of extra context to shape our next guesses.
Keep reading for our short and simple guide on today's Wordle challenge. Hopefully, you'll be able to nail this one in less than 4 guesses! It goes without saying that there will be spoilers for the final answer at the bottom of this article, but it's there in case you need that final nudge.
This word is an adjective, describing a type of fabric construction. When people interlace threads or yarns in a kind of interlocking pattern (one at a right angle to the other), they would describe the resulting fabric as this word. Items like clothes, blankets, and even baskets are this word. It's a very common kind of textile, and something you're likely wearing right now!
In a less literal sense, this word is also used as a verb to describe something including elements of another thing. Like, for example, a comedian who has skillfully worked in jokes into their stories. Or, a filmmaker who has interlaced themes throughout their film.
For our final hints, the August 23 Wordle starts with a “W” and ends with an “N“. For this word, you won't have to deal with any repeated letters. Additionally, this puzzle contains two vowels (just like the previous Wordle!). This one is a bit tricky - it contains one of English's least common consonants. Try and think of words that allow you to guess a variety of letters - especially the uncommon letters. This is a fairly solid overall strategy, but it'll come especially in handy in narrowing down the right consonant.
The answer to today’s puzzle in Wordle is “WOVEN“.
Fun fact, woven fabric, or weaving in general, is one of humanity's oldest known craft arts. Cultures all around the world have taken hands to looms, crafting beautiful textiles from this intricate art. Two of Greek myth's most well-known characters deal directly with weaving - the Three Fates, and the weaver Arachne. It's an endless pervasive art form, and it continues to be a daily staple in our everyday wardrobes! Nowadays though, people would likely care most about woven fabric when it comes to clothes and bedsheets (anyone fancy a high thread count?).
How did you manage today's Wordle? We'll be back tomorrow with another guide with tips and hints to help you along the next challenge. The NY Times always updates Wordle at midnight your local time. Until then, good luck Wordlers!
Natalie (She/Her) is a writer and game design enthusiast hailing from way-too-sunny Los Angeles. She loves to dissect game narrative and analyze mechanics, but she doesn’t even want to think about how many hours she’s spent playing D&D or The Witcher 3. Aside from triple-A adventures, she’s passionate about RPGs of all kinds and meaningful representation in games.