Zavation Medical Products this week said it launched its Cortical Screw for use in the cortical bone.
The screw is an expansion of its Zavation Spinal System. It is designed to achieve greater cortical phone purchase with a smaller midline incision when using cortical bone trajectory.
Zavation Medical’s cortical screw is available in a variety of sizes for an optimized fit in individual patients. It features self tapping on both sides of the tip and the 30° variable head angulation. The screws also come in and reduction options with the break-off tab available on reduction screws.
“I am very excited about the new cortical screw technology from Zavation. With 3 zones of variable thread pitch, it is tailor-made for the cortical trajectory. The system is also extremely versatile with 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5mm diameter offerings. Overall it is the most compact, durable, and easy to implant cortical system on the market. I have been utilizing for over a year now with one hundred plus cases and have had no hardware failure,” Dr. Graham Calvert, an orthopedic spine surgeon at Mississippi Sports Medicine, said in a news release.
The company’s Zavation Spinal System is designed to provide immobilization and stabilization of spinal segments in skeletally mature patients. It is designed to be used as an adjunct to fusion in the treatment of acute and chronic instabilities or deformities of the thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine.
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